​Fundamentals to NMR
1. Introduction to NMR
2. Mathematical background
3. Introduction to Density Matrix
4. Theory and Practice of Product Operator Formalism
Protein Structure Determination
1. Pulse sequences for resonance assignment and structure determination
2. Triple resonance sequences
3. Optimization of NMR experimental setup
4. Non-uniform sampling
5. Fast pulsing methods
6. Trosy-based experiments for large protein
Protein dynamics - Nuclear Spin Relaxation
1. Introduction to Relaxation
2. Relaxation in Bloch Equations / Solomons Equation
3. Master Equation - Relaxation Superoperator
4. Spectral Density Functions
5. Relaxation Mechanism
6. Nuclear Overhauser Effect
7. Chemical and Conformational Exchange
8. CPMG and R1rho Relaxation Dispersion
9. Conformational exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
10. Cross-correlated relaxation rates and protein dynamic
11. Paramagnetic Relaxation​